Monday, October 10, 2005

love for a quarter

About an hour ago I left the house to go grocery shopping. As I left my door a man asked me for a quarter. Normally I'd just keep walking, but I did have a quarter in my pocket, and since he'd guessed it I felt obliged to throw it to him. After he picked it up he thanked me extaticly. I tried to cross the street, but cars were zooming passed. He walked over to me as I was unable to escape. He started to explain his situation, about his crack-addicted daughter who steals money from him. I said I was sorry to hear it and looked for a hole in traffic. I expected him to ask for more money before I could escape, but he didn't; he just shook my hand and told me that he didn't like me, he loved me. As I crossed the road and walked away he yelled at me to 'stay strong, man, I mean it, stay strong.' I pumped my fist in the air as a sign of my strength and promised him that I would.


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