Thursday, September 01, 2005

monetary income

Last week a friend and I decided to comunicate over email strictly in haiku form. It was an interesting challenge. This week we decided an apropriate limitation would be rewriting lyrics to classic-rock songs. So, I told the story of my job search to the tune of Queen's 'Fat Bottom Girls.' I'm actually pretty proud of it.

I had an interview today.
I wish that I could go away.
I wish there was something else that I could do.
Monetary income, I gotta find me some of you.

Hey, I was just a recent grad
Thought that I was not that bad
But I spent a summer sitting on my ass
Now I'm starting my job search
Stepping down from my high perch
Let my high horse go to graze out in the grass.

I've been saying that 'I can,'
I've worked co-ops crossed the land,
Thought that my background would merit me big pay.
But I'm finding out the truth.
Taking time off sounds uncouth
When employers ask what you've done till today.


Hey listen here,
I don't need expensive homes.
Don't pay extra for ring-tones.
All I require is pay for food and rent.
But I've barely now got that.
I'll be losing body fat
If I don't replace the money that I've spent.

chorus 2x


Blogger Akv said...

monetary income does make the fat bottomed world go round. you should try entering some bicycle races, they're coming your way!

12:04 PM  

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