Monday, July 18, 2005

almost exciting

Today has already been almost exciting and it's barely past noon. I got a call about a potential job from my account. I'm not in dire need of a job just yet, but I'm flattered that someone liked my credentials enough to call me on the phone to learn more. But, then I found out that it would be for web production work. This would be fine, to pay the bills, but it would be in Columbus, which is two hours north. If there were any other reason to move to Columbus, I might consider it. But this job is not worth the transplant. And, I forgot to mention that this is an in-house job for Abercrombie & Fitch Inc. Looking past my loathing of this company, I've known friends who've worked there. From their stories, it's not the kind of company where I'd like to work. I am flattered though.

More exciting, I found a gun. I was jogging near my apartment, and lying in the grass by the sidewalk, glistening in the sun was a shiny black and chrome hand-gun. I'd like to believe it was tossed out a rubber-burning sports car fleeing the scene of an armed robbery. I jogged home to grab my phone and a towel to cover my hand as I poked it around. I wanted to make sure it wasn't fake before I bothered the police to come out. I walked back to the yard where I saw it, and the yard next to it, and all along the block. But it was gone.

I was very disapointed. I've never needed to call the police for any reason. I could have been the meddling do-gooder that lead to the capture and conviction of dangerous criminals. But, alas I was too slow. Instead of me, the gun was probably recovered by a curious teenager who will use it to accidentaly shoot every kid at his school.


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