Monday, July 04, 2005

mission statement

I'm not completely sure yet how I want to use this blog. My purpose is less to communicate with you (my non-existent readers), and more to develop my writing skills. I'll probably write about movies I've seen, conversations I've overheard, and secrets of national importance.

As I'm typing this I'm becoming very aware of my dependence on spell check and those little squiggly red lines that tell you not to be an idiot. Depending on my insecurity level, I might begin to type this in another program and paste into this box.

One subject I'll commit to not writing about is my personal goals. These are often lofty, uninteresting, and depressing to look back on. And as this paragraph is violating it's own premise, I might as well also write that I plan to not put this off until just before bed, when I'm likely to be even more tired and boring than usual. I do not promise not to ramble. I plan to do quite a lot of that.

If you'd like to be bored regularly, please check this site often.


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