Friday, July 08, 2005

fell out of a moving vehicle

I want to write about current happenings, but currently there's not much happening to me. So, just to give a little momentum to this thing, I might as well use one of the older stories I have lying around.

When I was little I hated to wear seat belts, or at least loved the rare luxury of not wearing one. It didn't happen very often at all. The best was when we got to ride in the way-back of the station wagon and roll around as my mom turned corners or hit bumps. One day my Aunt Sharon picked me up to spend the day playing with my cousins. I begged my mom to let us ride uninhibited, and she actually said yes.

We probably would have run around the overgrown empty lot next to their house and/or worn construction paper mustaches to pretend we were fire cheifs. But we didn't get around to it that day. As we pulled onto their street I leaned against the door that was apparantly unlatched and fell right out. I landed on my butt and the door bounced back and caught my foot. My aunt, unaware, kept driving.

After being drug for several yards my foot came loose and I sat dazed in the middle of the street and watched the car continue to pull away. When I figured out where I was, I hobbled over to the sidewalk. I knew I wasn't allowed to play in the street. When my cousin Emily got Aunt Sharon's attention, "Mom. Mom, Andy fell out of the car," she hit the brakes and turned around to pick me up.

Before I really knew what had happend I was soaking in a hot bath, and removing bits of asphalt from my ass cheeks. I think my Aunt took it much worse than I did. I bounced back pretty well. No scars, at least that I can see. I haven't had anyone to examine it lately.


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