Monday, August 08, 2005

subtle dis

A few years ago I was at a nightclub (which was really just a dirty bar with a dance floor) with a few friends. I spotted a girl that I'd seen and admired at school. I thought she was beautiful. As we made eye contact I gave her a large smile. She whispered something to her friend, and they slowly danced to the other side of the room.


Blogger Akv said...

absolutely hilarious, like your blog. keep up the good work... and is it alright if i link to you?

9:09 PM  
Blogger excellent excrement said...

Link away friend. I was wondering if anyone actually read it. By the way, how did you stumble onto my site?

6:37 PM  
Blogger Akv said...

I just keep hitting the "next blog button". I've got it down to where i can usually tell if it's worth reading in the first five words, or how the page is set up. I tend to shy away from the pages with an alphanumeric code as the title or from weirdly set up pages where young Asian school girls set up a diary for their friends to read. But anyways, i think you write really funny.

7:00 AM  

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