Saturday, August 13, 2005

single and seventy

Today I went to the first family reunion since my younger brother anounced his engagement to be married. Congratulations to him, and condesention to me (I'm not completely sure that word fits, but it sounded cool in my head). In the car ride my mom asked me again whether I was ever going to get married, or be like Uncle Evan who's seventy and still single. I told her that I've actually been married for three years with 2 kids that she'll never meet unless she straigtens up. It doesn't really bother so much, but exageration is more interesting than bland facts. I'm only 25 and she's been asking me that question already for at least 3 years.

My cousin has been trying to hook me up with a friend of hers for years now. I'm really not into hook-ups. As far as I know, this friend thinks that her crush is confidential. Little does she know that her secret is betrayed at nearly every family get together we have. I wonder if she would be embarassed to know that today a jury of aunts and cousins decreed that the two of us are to be wed this fall alongside my brother and his fiancé. Actually meeting or talking in person is a luxury we are not being granted.


Blogger Akv said...

you should tell your family that you joined the Moonies and are going to a mass wedding on Christmas.

7:10 AM  

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