Thursday, October 13, 2005


My brain feels dull, so I'm assigning myself to a bit of reading and writing. I'm going to pick up a book tonight about math, so I'll be combining the third 'R' which happens to start with an 'A.' And I'm commiting to write something (most likely an entry here) each day.

I feel like I have a mistaken reputation of being clever, or maybe even that is in my mind. Either way, I certainly don't live up to what I imagine as being my potential, or what some would assume from the ocasional sarcastic whit that might make it's way from my mouth. I don't talk much, but that's no longer because of any amount of shyness. I'm bold enough to say what I think. It's just that the verbs that arrange in my mouth don't usually acurately portray my thoughts well enough to pass quality control; at least until after the appropriate moment has passed. I can convey my thoughts easier while I'm writing and I have the time to buff every sentence. My plan is to write often enough to sharpen my verbal skills to the point that I might one day hold up my end of a conversation.


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