Saturday, October 29, 2005


Lately, I've had very strange, very detailed dreams on a regular basis. I'm pretty happy about this. Usually I don't even remember dreams at all.

In the last bit of sleep before I got out of bed this morning, I dreamt that I was on a family vacation in what seemed to be a Central American country. My family and a few other people that I don't remember were staying in a ramshackle (I didn't think I'd ever get a chance to use that word) cottage with a disused swimming pool and large amounts of vegetation. There were peasants living in a make shift camp site towards the back of the property. My Parents were a little nervous about them staying back there, but didn't do anything about it. Until, some items from our luggage came up missing. Then my dad and a few other men went back to confront them about it. They denied it and an older matronly woman dropped the laundry she was doing as she chattered in terror about being deported.


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