Monday, November 27, 2006

Thelma and Louise

Not bad. I think it did a good job of telling the girl's side of the story. There were a few things that seemed out of place. The exploding tanker truck at the end seemed a little too Hollywoodish and took me out of the story. The rastafarian on the bicycle that blows pot-smoke into the trapped officer's air-hole was completely out of place. There was no need to revisit that cop anyway, and adding a completely new type of character for one single scene was masturbatory.


Blogger Akv said...

have you seen baraka? by ron fricke? you should see it. seriously. do a review of it i wanna know what you think.

6:54 PM  
Blogger excellent excrement said...

No I haven't seen it, but I'll add it to my Netflix que. It could be a while till I get around to it though. I've got a long list as it is.

6:33 PM  
Blogger Akv said...

yeah seems like it. but it's really good. no dialogue more like an imax film. i think it was originally shot in 70mm film. but real good.

1:13 PM  

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