Saturday, November 11, 2006


This is a fairly typical (I wanted to say prototypical or quintessential but I think those words sound too presumptuous) Woody Allen movie. Which really isn't a bad thing. I love Woody Allen. I enjoyed the movie, but it's hard for anything to live up to Annie Hall. And it's easy to compare the two. They both co-star Diane Keaton, and both have a best friend who makes even worse decisions than Woody. I appreciate the fact that it was shot as black and white, and that he keeps referencing Ingmar Bergman. I assume that Bergman had a big influence on the style of the movie. I've only seen a few Bergman films, though, so I don't feel I have the authority to make the comparison. It was a little difficult to overlook his dating of an under-age girl, especially considering his bad behavior later in life.


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