Sunday, November 05, 2006

baby steps

If you, for some odd reason, have been keeping up with this blog you'll probably notice that I haven't been keeping up with this blog. I have no excuse for this, nor will I apologize. But in an attempt to post more often I'm going to severely lower my standards on what I consider to be 'a post.' Unless otherwise inspired, my posts will likely be little more than a list of movies I've watched. This should include a description or opinion, but who knows. I'm going to play it by ear.

The idea is similar to physical therapy for injured persons. Even walking a few steps along a handrail each day should be better is some kind of progress. And with that in mind I'll hopefully shame myself into writing more.

This weekend I watched:
The Squid and the Whale
Kung Fu Hustle
Bringing Up Baby

This certainly was an eclectic mix. The first two I'd already seen. The second two were new to me.

The Squid and the Whale was an excellent story about a divorcing couple of intellectuals. They convince themselves that they have life in control, but prove otherwise, and their children suffer for it.

Magnolia is a longtime favorite. I savour it's sadness each time I devote 3 hours to watch it.

Kung Fu Hustle is a hilarious parody of kung fu movies. I probably would have appreciated the inside jokes more if I was more familiar with Kung Fu movies. The story-line seemed to have some weak points, but I'll forgive it based on the fact that I'm unfamiliar with the genre.

Bringing up Baby was fun to watch, but ultimately disappointing. It is the only movie I've seen, where I've been attracted to Katherine Hepburn. I doubt that much planning went into the movie. I think it was made simply because somebody knew someone who knew someone who had access to a jaguar (baby). If you can imagine in your head Cary Grant yelling 'Susan!' you probably don't need to see this movie.


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