Sunday, January 21, 2007

Malcolm X

This was a fascinating story about a man I knew very little about. Growing up I only learned that Dr. King advocated non-violence and Malcolm X advocated violence. There were so many aspects to him and changes throughout his life. I didn't know about the teachings of the Nation of Islam (I think I named that correctly) who had taken political advantage of the under-trodden Afro-Americans (as the film claimed they'd like to be called) to convince them of their ideals. And when Malcolm saw the organization for what it was he backed off his claim that all white people are evil. Which was just as incorrect as the depictions of a white Jesus and God. When he backed off, this is when he was assassinated.

I think that Dr. King had a much better message, as amazing and powerful as Ghandi had in India. But Malcolm's message in the end was very powerful as well.


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