Saturday, January 06, 2007

DaVinci Code

I didn't actually order this from Netflix. It was sent by mistake, but I figured I'd watch it anyway. Afterall, I don't ever plan on reading the book.

The dialogue was terrible. It was as if the writer had taken a paragraph of dry exposition and his way of turning it into a two person dialogue, was simply to add an occasional, 'that's interesting,' or, 'what happened next?' It was barely better (or maybe only less Disney) than National Treasure (which was obviously an attempt to steal the thunder of the DaVinvi Code book before it was made into a movie).

I hope the book wasn't as silly as the movie. They reveal hidden 'facts' of to the last supper from DaVinci's painting as if it were a documentary snapshot. According to this story we're supposed accept that Mary Magdelene was Jesus' wife because one of the characters in DaVinci's (who obviously was not present at the actual supper) fresco looked rather feminine. I can certainly believe that the Catholic Church is full of conspiracies and deception, but this is not one of them.


Blogger Akv said...

I kept asking questions through out. Mainly: Why didn't they go into this detail or that? I haven't read the book either but I'm something of a paranoiac conspiracist enthusiast so I was interested in the subject. It was something to watch, otherwise it's real shallow. More like what Romancing the stone was to jewel of the nile, this movie is to National Treasure.

1:10 PM  

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