Sunday, December 10, 2006


Unlike any other serial killer movie I've seen, I fit the profile of both the killer and victim. Jeffery Dahmer was a quiet unassuming boy. He lived alone (during most of his killings), and for the most part kept to himself. And, opposed to most serial killers, his victims were also young men. Throughout the movie I constantly placed myself in both places. I wonder if this was due to decisions the writers and directors made, or simply my proximity to his demographic. Either way, I think that this movie did a good job of humanizing a person seen in the eyes of the public as a soulless monster.

The concept of sociopath and serial killer have interested me for a long time. These are people who have put aside their inhibitions and the natural mechanisms of guilt. They are often very intelligent and charismatic. Inhibition can often hold people back from doing good as well as bad, but I don't think that anyone who has done away with them completely would or could use their powers for good. I think that deep down in each of us is enough selfish desire that, if unchecked by our guilt and lack of intelligence would reek sin far beyond what we consider to be innocent.


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