Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Full Monty

I'm certain that the makers of this movie came up with the title first, and tried desperately to create a story that would lead up to that moment. With that said. I liked it, or at least the beginning. This might be in part due to the British slum setting and the accents. I really liked the characters. A deadbeat Dad, a fat man, a suicidal man, and a man that lies to his wife about the fact that he (and the rest of them) are laid off. They are a motley crew, but somehow I could empathize with them, and could almost see myself hanging out with them.

Much of what follows is implausible, but sometimes interesting. It held my interest until the final act. It suddenly became a little stupid and on the nose. They all decide to drop the strip-act, but end up making one performance due to popular demand. At the last minute Gaz, the ringleader, chickens out but his son convinces him not to give up now. They perform a dance number. The camera freezes and fades melodramatically just as they finish.

It sort of seemed like a long joke requiring too much build up before the punch-line, which you knew from the start anyway. I did like the characters though.


Blogger Akv said...

Yeah I thought it was alright, I think this was at the peak of British imports in the nineties. If you like those types you should see Lock stock and two smoking barrels, Sexy beast(with Ben Kingsley as the bad guy!), Saving grace, and Trainspotting. There was another one with Malcolm Macdowell, I think it was called Number one gangster, but I don't remember. It's the British version of Scarface.

1:06 PM  
Blogger excellent excrement said...

I loved Lock Stock and Trainspotting. I'll have to check out Sexy Beast. Ben Kingsley played an interesting Bad Guy in Suspect Zero. Too bad the story line sucked.

7:23 PM  
Blogger Akv said...

He's a real bad bad guy in this. when you see him you think Ghandi. But he manages to ramp it up where you really start to fear him. Like an impending doom.

6:49 PM  

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