Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Broke Down Melody

This was a movie about surfing. That's really it. They traveled around. Talked about surfing. Showed people surfing. Not much else. I enjoyed it. I've never done anything but the occasional vacation boogie-boarding, but I love the grace and power of the ocean so much, I hope one day I'll ride it. That day isn't in the near future for this resident of frozen Ohio, 'the heart of it all.'

Yesterday I called my brother who lives in LA. He was driving to a hotel near the shore that he was staying for the weekend. When he got out of the car he took a deep breath and said, 'oh wow, I can smell the ocean from here.' It was 70 degrees there. Then he said, 'so, when are you moving out here?' I need to come up with an answer to that question.


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