Thursday, February 15, 2007


The first shot in this movie (second actually) shows a bunch of monkeys relaxing in natural hot-spring pools on a snow covered mountain. That is awesome. Those monkeys really have it made. With all the snow and ice and cold outside right now, I would love to join these monkeys more than anything in the world.

What followed was a very interesting montage of interesting things. It was a lot like a video version of flipping through a stack of National Geographic magazines. There's no story, or documentary purpose, but it provided a lot of beautiful imagery paired with contemplative music.

One of my old roommates, Jim the stoner, showed me a video that may have been this or something very similar. He said it was great to get high to. I can see that.


Blogger Andrea said...

Haha. Jim The Stoner.

10:49 PM  
Blogger Akv said...

Nice you finally saw it. There was an movie theater in Ottawa that used to show it, it's fantastic on the big screen.

9:59 AM  

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