Monday, March 20, 2006

heidi hamster

Over spring break in first grade I watched the class hamster, since no one would be in the school building. My brother Aaron loved Heidi and carried her around the house with him. One day he excitedly carried Heidi to my mom to show her something new. 'Look Mom,' he said, 'look how big her eyes get when I squeaze her like this.' My mom looked down to see a small hamster peaking it's head from my brother's fist with it's eyes bulging out of their sockets.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Poor People

On friday, St. Patrick's day, several friends and I took a bus to a bar on the other side of town. As we rode, several females in the group were loud and obnoxious. We arrived at The Comet, and as we exited the bus I said, "alright, girls let's go and stop bothering these poor people." The second the word 'poor' came out of my mouth I wished I could put it back in. I meant it to say that they were unfortunate in having been bothered by us, not that they were poor for having to depend on the busline. But several african american gentlemen in the back of the bus must have been insulted and started yelling threats. One pulled out a large serrated knife and we had to run off the bus.

Truthfully, no one on the bus reacted at all. They probably knew exactly what I meant, but I felt bad about saying it. And that doesn't make for an interesting ending to the story.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sucheta Bal

My friend, for whom this entry is named, looked through my postings, and complained that I never wrote anything about her. She must not have considered the fact that almost every subject I write about takes place long before I knew her. But, since she comprises about 30% of my readers, I suppose I should keep my customers satisfied. Here's to you Sue.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


So I got a job. The place ( I'd been interning with for three months and then freelancing for two more months decided to give me a real job. You'd think I woud have written about this sooner, seeing as it happened a week and a half ago, but what are you gonna do do?

On sunday I saw a vinyl sign draped over the top of a highway billboard that said 'Hire Andy.' I can only assume that the business owner sponsoring the billboard is named Andy. If I can get my one-handed-camera-operating-while-driving skills, I'll prove it's existence. Either way it obviously had an enormous impact on my bosses.

"Thanks outdoor advertising, you saved my [career]. And not for the first time."
-Homer Simpson