Monday, June 18, 2007

Paris Je'taime

I loved this collection of shorts. There were a very gifted and diverse group of 18 directors that each contributed about 10 minutes. They're 18 different takes on love stories in Paris. Some are comic, some are tragic. Some surround romantic lovers, some are about parents and children. Some are better than others, but overall it was very enjoyable.

catch up

Once again I've neglected this blog in excess of a month. This will catch me up to speed.

I've always gotten reactions off shocked horror when telling people that I'd never seen this movie. Now that I've seen it, I don't really see what all the fuss is about. It was okay. There were a few funny parts, but not the laugh riot everyone has lead me to believe.

Glengarry Glen Ross
This was an excellent story told completely with Dialogue. It was adapted from a play, which seems to make sense with the minimal place settings. Even with no real action, I was riveted the whole time.

It's good to finally see the first one, but I think it relied a lot on special effects, which have since expired.

Interesting telling of a factual battle, but so much of it was told with an Australian smile as you grit your teeth attitude, that it was difficult to see where the danger was. Nobody seemed all to worried about the battle, and then just went ahead and gave their lives in a horribly misinformed suicide.

The Flight of the Phoenix
I saw the remake a few years ago. It was interesting to see both. With a few exceptions, I think the original was better, although I think the remake was fairly faithful.

Four Weddings and a Funeral
Although I can certainly relate to constant attendance of weddings, I don't really understand the irresponsible fear of commitment that movies like this suggest is so prominent among men.

The First Deadly Sin
It was fine, although I can't say I believed the killer could be real.

The Fisher King
Not actually as wild as Brazil, or any of Terry Gilliam's other work, but I can definitely see his fingerprint. I think that Robin Williams was given a little too much freedom to run wild. He steals a few scenes and just runs around with them for no apparent reason. I like Jeff Bridges part though.

The Fifth Element
The creatures, and much of the acting in this movie were terrible. I can sort of appreciate what they we're going for, but still.

Fellini's Roma
I finally think that I understand Fellini. He's not really as big on story as caricature. I'd always been searching for meaning in the overall story, but his value is in the characters and humorous positions they put themselves in, and the constant complaints that they make.

Falling in Love
I certainly don't approve of adultery, but this would have been a nice story if it had been first love, or broken down divorced love.

The Fabulous Baker Boys
I really enjoyed the dynamic between Jeff Bridges and his actual brother. They played such different but harmonizing characters.

I don't think I can stand behind this movie. Some of it seemed interesting, but most of it seemed to be stretching just a little too far.

Farewell My Concumbine
This was a very interesting way of telling the story of the Chinese cultural revolution. These were the characters most effected. They fought so hard to climb their way off the streets. They gave every part of themselves to become stars, and as soon as they do, the rug is swept out from under them as the centuries old society that had survived so many regimes changed completely

The English Patient
Long and convoluted. In the end I don't think anything paid off at all.

I don't particularly care for musicals so it was a little difficult to sit through this.

When I came home from work I had a dreading feeling that this was one of those drawn-out french movies where a woman stares listlessly out of a window as her frustrated lover looks on from the other side of the room. My feeling was correct.

The Electric Horseman
This was an interesting story of a broken down cowboy celebrity who had sunk to the level of Las Vegas trade show appearances promoting breakfast cereal. Robert Redford played him well.

I don't think this is officially considered a sequel to Scenes From a Marriage, but it might as well be. It's a pretty heavy subject matter, divorce, adultery, and general assholery, but very well made.

Elephant Walk
This was a very interesting story about a woman brought into a man's domain in the African Congo. And the man's domain was built up in the middle of nature's domain. Although some things may seem seem difficult to change, it can be even more difficult to keep them the same.

Eat Drink Man Woman
I really enjoyed this story about an aging Chinese chef coming to grips with his changing life, and the lives of his daughters.

Drugstore Cowboy
Most of this was interesting, however the ending seemed a little tacked on.

Dominick and Eugene
This is the story of two brothers. One in Medical school, and the other retarded. I've seen much better played retarded men, but overall, most of it wasn't too bad.

Diary of a Country Priest
Interesting, although I think it was a little bit deeper than I was able to grasp. I'll have to watch it again at a later time.

La Dolce Vita
This Fellini film had more of a story structure than most of his films, but for the most part relied on interesting situations.

Charleton Heston always cracks me up. I hope that if an earthquake of this magnitude actually does hit LA, that I'm not there for it.

The Devil and Daniel Johnston
I can't believe I hadn't already seen this. And when a friend at work asked me if I'd seen it, my knee-jerk reaction was to say that, 'yes,' of course I had. Then when I thought about it I realized that I hadn't. This guy's life is fascinating. Also insane.

Death in Venice
This was a somewhat interesting story, however creepy at times. It's about a retired intellectual who vacations in Venice. He reminisces about his unfulfilling life, and falls in love with the youth through a teenage boy also staying in his hotel. He never makes actual contact. There is no actual molestation or anything of the sort. But it seems like it could be.

The Dirty Dozen
Some of it seemed a little convoluted.

This was a very interesting murder mystery, where the conspirists find themselves in trouble when the body their hoping to hide disappears.

Death Wish
It was good to finally see this. It's that deep of a film, but it's kind of fun to watch.

Dance With a Stranger
I think this was based on a true story, of one of the last women in England to ever be condemmed to death. Although that part barely enters into the story. The trailer puts it well as a story of 'cold-blooded passion.'

Dangerous Liaiaons
John Malkovich plays a great creep. This is a very interesting story of a bourgeoisie french couple who make sport of ruining other people reputations and lives. Very dark, but very interesting.

Claire's Knee
Kind of an interesting storyline, although I had a little bit of difficulty caring about the things some of these characters were so passionate about, namely passion.

Cries and Whispers
Very heavy like all of Bergman's work.

The Crying Game
I honestly have to say that I knew that she was a dud from the start. It's kind of an interesting story, but I can't say that I really believed that he loved 'her' at all. Even at the end it seemed that he was tolerating her out of guilt.