Saturday, September 30, 2006

bruce willis

I just woke up from a completely ridiculous dream. It hit me during the hour that I had woken up, and decided to go back to bed. It involved myself, my brother Adam, and Bruce Willis. Instead of fighting terrorists we simply watched a dvd and then hung out together. It wasn't just that Bruce was one of our friends. He was definitely the celebrity movie actor who was hanging out with us for no apparent reason. The strange thing is that I completely questioned the reality of the situation the whole time. I kept saying to myself that it seemed like something that would happen in a dream, but it totally wasn't.

At one point we decided to go out to a movie, so Adam called to check show-times. He was taking a while so Bruce was getting annoyed and asked for the phone so he could make a few calls and get some inside info. Adam wasn't interested in that and argued with him. Bruce was getting upset. I felt awkward sitting there in the middle of their squabble. I told Adam to give him the phone, he obviously had more connections to the film industry. Adam accused me of taking his side, just because of his celebrity status.

Seeing it down in words now, it doesn't really sound as crazy or ridiculous as it seemed to me.