Saturday, August 19, 2006

online again

I've moved into the new apartment that I've been bragging about. I finally have an internet connection again. If you've been watching this site, you may not be surprised at a month's lapse between entries. The difference with this last month is, though, that I actually had things to write about, but wasn't able. I think that most of it will be lost to time, so I'll just write about yesterday.

Yesterday was a pretty big day actually. Not monumentous, but definitely jam-packed with action. It started when I ducked out of work at 10:30am to see Snakes on a Plane. This had more to do with me having nothing to do at work, than an actual interest in the movie. To be honest I hadn't planned on seeing it at all, but a guy named Chris convinced me to go, and my boss (another guy named Chris) gave me his blessing. It was hilarious. Somehow I missed all the hype that supposedly surrounded this movie, so I didn't know what to expect. I don't own a TV and I don't hang out with people who consider themselves cool. I think anyone who appreciates cliché (or disdains it) would love this movie. Perhaps the beginnings of this script may have been serious, but I don't believe for a second that this movie was shot with serious intent.

When the movie ended, we all picked up burritos and headed back to work. I got on the highway, traveled across the Ohio River suspension, bridge made a sharp left turn off the exit ramp and stopped at the red light. This is where things start to get interesting. I pulled away from the light and my car began to merge left. This was a major problem, because I wasn't turning the steering wheel. I turned the wheel to try to compensate and almost nothing happened. I was driving straight forward with my steering wheel turned as far right as it would go. Somehow I was able to navigate over to the side of the road. We got out of the vehicle making jokes that snakes were about to come out of the vents.

I was able to tow the car to a repair shop and found out that the tie rod had broken which leaves the wheel loose and flimsy. They said that if I had been going any faster at all (i.e. driving 65 mph on the highway) the entire wheel assembly would have been severely damaged, not to mention an entire loss of steering control. The wheel could have folded under the car, and we could, theoretically, have flipped. I hadn't intended to fork out an extra $128 (which is probably more than the car is actually worth) but I paid it gladly instead of dying in a fiery auto accident. With that said, I'm currently in the market for another car.

In much less remarkable news, while I was waiting for the tow-truck I witnessed a dramatic battle between a Hornet and a Cicada. It was less of a battle and more of a slaughter. I watch the cicada flying along and the hornet dive-bombed him out of the sky. The Cicada got up again and was once again battered out of the air. The Hornet swooped down and pounced on it's prey. They rolled around in the breakdown lane for a while buzzing and shaking around. Finally the Hornet drove it's powerful syringe into the doomed insect's abdomen and delivered it's paralyzing venom. When he was content with the slaying, he attempted to carry his titanic prey back to his lair. The cicada was as big or bigger than the hornet, but he was able to struggle the beast airborne to begin the journey. As he did, a car pulled to the side of the road forcing him to abandon his load and flee the scene. It was my boss who had driven by, and wanted to make sure I was alright. I appreciate the gesture, but I would have liked to see the hornet succeed.