Friday, July 21, 2006


It's 9:45 on a friday evening. Some people go out and do things on weekends. I just finished watching the second disc of the first season of Arrested Development that I have from Netflix. I was hoping that it would last until 11:00 and I could move right into The Simpsons. But now I have to kill an hour and fifteen minutes before I can continue my lonely entertainment and then call it a night.

Monday, July 10, 2006

damn dander

Could allergies be to blame for my lack of blog posting, and constant decline in intelligent thought over the past nine months? Recent findings suggest, yes.

When I moved into my current apartment and began sharing residency with a cat named Drexel, I never thought that I might be allergic to pet dander. At that time I was stressed and depressed over my unemployment (see many previous entries). I didn't think my low energy and cloudy-headedness was unusual. Especially after being overtired and underfed for most of the previous five years of school.

But now that I have a job, shouldn't I be feeling great. Shouldn't I wake up in the morning rested. Shouldn't I be able concentrate enough to read a book, or perform satisfactorily at work? Why can't I form an intelligent sentence to communicate my thoughts? I thought I was being lazy and just needed to snap out of it. Why have I had constant respiratory problems over the past several months? I eat healthily. I take vitamins. But no matter what, my head is in fog, my sinuses ache, and I can't sleep at night.

Then for the first time in a long while I spent the weekend away from my apartment. I woke up saturday and sunday feeling fantastic. My eyes didn't hurt. The pressure in my sinuses that I'd accepted as normal, was gone. I could think clearly for the first time in a long while.

In fact I woke up after just four hours of sleep with the epiphany that I must be extremely allergic to something (likely the cat) This is great news, and cause for writing a blog entry three times longer than any reasonable person would be interested in reading. Not only do I have a clear scape-goat for my problems, but I can easily slay this goat by doing something I've been planning to do for a while. I started the apartment search yesterday. Even though I'm drowning in student debt and would love the bit of money saved by living in low-rent squalor, my health and ability to think are more important. After-all, if I get fired because I can't think clearly enough to cut the mustard, I'd be much poorer than I am now.