Saturday, April 29, 2006


My bedroom window overlooks a bus stop on a fairly busy street. It's always loud with people, stereos, cars, busses, tow-trucks, motorcycles. It can be difficult to sleep, but it usually provides an interesting bit of entertainment while I'm getting dressed.

Today I saw two men in suits passing flyers to passer-bys. That's not very unusual, except that one of them was a midget. Were they promoting some kind of awareness? I'm sure I'll never know.

Another time I saw a man in a bright orange prison jump-suit step off of the bus, walk down the street, and into a pizza place down the block. Was this an escaped prisoner? I guess free citizens are capable of wearing prison-type uniforms. And some prisoners are taken out in groups for street cleanup, but this guy was alone. No chain gang. No boss with mirrored sun-glasses. No one.