Saturday, January 21, 2006

whatever happened to predictability

the milkman, the paperboy, and evening tv?

Today I was walking along the street and a car pulled up to a stop-light blaring the theme song to Full House. A crowd of people leaving an Indian restaurant sang along at the tops of their lungs.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


A few weeks ago a friend told me, while we were driving home, '...and that's the house my Dad and I moved into when he and my mom split up. I asked him, "Dad, how come we're not living with Mom anymore?" He told me it was because this place was closer to work.When I was older I found out he was a freelancer, and he worked from home.'

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Lightborne is paying me as a freelance now. That's actually a pretty big deal considering that before the beginning of this month I hadn't received a regular paycheck in nine months. And as student loan payments are starting to give me the squeeze, car insurance is due, and all my other freelance work had been put on hold I don't know how I could have gotten through this month without it. The pay isn't amazing, but it's a fulltime source of income. At this point even a comparative meager income seems like an unending wealth.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

playing ball

While I was in a restroom stall today I overheard a cell phone conversation. '...Sorry I can't talk long. I'm playing ball...Yeah I stopped at the Rec Center.. on College Hill...well I'll see you a little later baby.' And then he made kissing sounds into the phone. None of this would be notable, except that I wasn't in a Rec Center. I was in an Olive Garden and nowhere near College Hill. Part of me wanted to yell out, 'No he's not, he's cheating on you.' But that was just a small part of me. Most of me just couldn't wait to tell someone about it.